FREE Class Monday, February 24, at 9:00 a.m. ET
Age Like A Superhero!™ is offering Yoga for Osteoporosis - when done regularly has been proven to Strengthen your Bones, Build Resilience, Flexibility, & Balance - and, it doesn't require a cape!!
Sign Up Below!
- There is a growing body of research proving that yoga helps foster a sense of well being, better balance, stronger bones, increased flexibility, stronger core, inner peace/calm, decrease in chronic pain and depression, better sleep, and so much more...
- You’ll feel so good you’ll want to sign up for the new session starting Monday, March 3 - April 14th, 2025 at 9am ET
- Set the tone for your week with a fresh perspective.
- It’s a fabulous community of virtual friends who support and encourage each other
- In the class series, Jordana will offer adaptations and suggestions for bodies that need some special attention or gentle “encouragement"
"I think the best part of class for me is your understanding of how difficult it is for people with osteoporosis to complete certain poses. So much appreciation for the modifications you offer. Rather than feeling like a total failure I feel like I am doing something special for my body."
J.L., Silver Spring, MD
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Since this is a therapeutic class for bone health, please be prepared to use your camera.
Space is limited to ensure you receive personal attention -- please only sign up if you are sure you will be able to join us!